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Why Should you go all Natural?

Updated: Aug 20, 2022


Ecopsychology is a discipline that recognizes the relationship between humans and nature. If you are not well in your mind, body and soul, you cannot be well in nature. Nature has a calming effect on the brain. Nature is the inspiration for our creativity. Nature helps you de-stress. Nature Boosts immune system function. In nature we breath better quality air. When we're surrounded by nature, our mind is more pleasant and emotion tends to be positive.(4) Natural environments can change our moods and provide us with sanctuary from stress.-(1) The human spirit thrives in natural light, fresh air, sunlight, the sounds of water and birdsong, scents of flowers or herbs, inspiring views of earth and sky.(2) Nature can enhance our state of mind and help us to release stress in healthy ways as we become involved in creative activities such as gardening, decorating with indoor plants or simply walking in natural areas.(3)

Ecopsychology is a discipline that recognizes the relationship between humans and nature.

Ecopsychology is the study of the relationship between humans and nature. It's a new discipline, with its origins in psychology, but it's not limited to that discipline. Ecopsychology has roots in many different fields, including biology, history and politics. The field of ecopsychology also includes contributions from other disciplines such as philosophy and sociology.

If you are not well in your mind, body and soul, you cannot be well in nature.

If you are not well in your mind, body and soul, you cannot be well in nature. Nature is a great place to heal all of the parts of yourself. For example:

  • In order to be healthy physically, we need fresh air and sunshine. Sunlight helps us produce vitamin D which is important for bone health. Being outside also helps us breathe deeply which can help relieve stress and anxiety. When it comes to exercise outdoors there are many options such as running on trails or swimming in bodies of water like lakes or oceans (which can also provide other benefits). You could also try hiking if that's something that interests you!

  • If we want our minds to feel good then we must feed them nutritious food from plants like broccoli or kale because these contain antioxidants that protect against free radical damage which can lead to cancer or heart disease later on down the road (not good). Another great way for brain health would be by reading books about things that interest us - whether it's history topics related specifically about where we live today; science texts that might teach us something new about how things work around here too! If none of these seem appealing then maybe try listening to a podcasts while working out instead?

Nature has a calming effect on the brain.

  • A study of the effect of nature on the brain

"A recent study conducted by researchers at Uppsala University found that a walk in the park had a calming effect on the brain. The researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure brain activity before, during, and after participants took walks in either nature or urban environments.

They discovered that when walking through forests, people’s minds were more focused and relaxed than when they walked along busy streets.

Nature is the inspiration for our creativity.

Nature is all around us, it's in the air we breathe and even in the food we eat. It's filled with colors, smells, and sounds that are uniquely its own.

Nature inspires us to be creative because everything has something unique to offer; we just need to pay attention to what it has to say.

Nature helps you de-stress.

  • Nature helps you relax

  • Nature helps you focus

  • Nature can help you sleep better

  • Being in nature makes us feel happier and more connected to the world

Nature Boosts immune system function.

  • Vitamin D: Our bodies produce this powerful nutrient when our skin is exposed to sunlight, but some people don't get enough exposure and are at risk for vitamin D deficiency. Studies show that getting your daily dose of the sunshine vitamin can be linked to a boost in immunity, which might explain why studies have found that people who maintain a high amount of vitamin D tend to be less likely to catch colds or other illnesses. What if you are suffering from an upper respiratory tract infection? Thanks to its antiviral properties, it's likely that taking vitamin D supplements will help speed up recovery time and keep symptoms from getting worse -- plus it won't mess with your sleep cycle like some over-the-counter meds do!

  • Serotonin: This neurotransmitter is responsible for relaxation and happiness -- which may explain why a lack of serotonin in our brains could lead us into depression (and even schizophrenia). But guess what else can increase serotonin levels naturally? You guessed right - sunlight! So go out there and bask in the sun (or at least enjoy your windowsill) every day so you can feel happier than ever before.* Melatonin: This hormone helps control our sleep cycles by telling us when it's time for bedtime. It also has been shown as having anti-cancer benefits due to its ability to fight free radicals.* Endorphins: These hormones makes us feel happy after exercising; however too much exercise can actually decrease their production since endorphins are meant only for short bursts of activity instead long periods of working out without breaks.* Dopamine: This chemical causes feelings excitement pleasure – which might explain why we love going outside so much because it gives us instant gratification by triggering dopamine release within milliseconds--getting closer towards achieving happiness levels within seconds!

In nature we breath better quality air.

It is a fact that the air quality in nature is much better than the air quality in cities. This can be attributed to several factors, but one of them is that we breathe more oxygen and exhale more carbon dioxide when we are outside. We also breathe less dust and pollution, which helps keep our lungs clean. In addition, when we walk through the woods, we inhale less carbon monoxide than if we were driving a car or riding on public transportation.

Finally, there are several other pollutants that are less prevalent in rural areas than urban areas: nitrogen oxides (which cause ground-level ozone), sulfur dioxide (which causes acid rain) and most importantly ozone.

When we're surrounded by nature, our mind is more pleasant and emotion tends to be positive.

  • Nature can help us de-stress.

  • It can also help us sleep better.

  • Being in nature makes us more creative and productive as well!

Natural environments can change our moods and provide us with sanctuary from stress.-(1)

It’s no secret that the modern world is a stressful place. According to an article on the Mayo Clinic website, “stress can be a good thing in small doses and helps us stay alert, focused and motivated. But when it becomes chronic or overwhelming — or is experienced too often — it can be harmful to our health”. And it’s not just adults who feel this way; children also have reported higher levels of anxiety than previous generations. Because of this, many parents are looking for ways to help their kids cope with stress and learn how to relax more effectively (1). Enter nature: studies have shown that spending time in natural environments can help us deal with stress better than other activities such as watching television (2).

The human spirit thrives in natural light, fresh air, sunlight, the sounds of water and birdsong, scents of flowers or herbs, inspiring views of earth and sky.(2)

Natural materials are more durable than synthetic materials. They also have a lower impact on our environment because they decompose at a faster rate than synthetic materials do.

Nature can enhance our state of mind and help us to release stress in healthy ways as we become involved in creative activities such as gardening, decorating with indoor plants or simply walking in natural areas.(3)

Being outdoors allows for physical activity which can help to reduce stress. It’s also a great way to increase your immunity by increasing Vitamin D levels. Nature is an important part of human health because it restores balance and helps us feel relaxed, leading us to live better lives.

Takeaway : Best Of Ecopsychology

It's all about the mind, body, and soul. If you are not well in your mind, body, and soul then you cannot be well in nature. Nature has a calming effect on the brain which makes it easier for us to think clearly when we're out in nature.

It's important to get outside and breathe fresh air because it helps with depression, anxiety, and stress levels.


These are only a few of the many ways in which nature holds the power secrets to heal us and improve our overall wellbeing. We hope that this post has inspired you to reconnect with the natural world around you, and we are certain that once you do so, your life will be filled with more joy than ever before. You can read more about the Subject here on


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