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Tips For How To Use Crystals To Manifest Your Dreams

How many times have you wished upon a star? Wished that things would change? Wished that you could make your dreams come true? And yet, they just don’t seem to manifest in the way you want them to. What are you doing wrong? Why can’t you make those dreams come true, or why aren’t they as good as you hoped they would be? The answer may surprise you, and all it takes is a little bit of crystal magic, and some dedication to see your dreams come true.

What Are Crystals?

Crystals come in all shapes and sizes, and are said to contain specific energies that align with chakras. Many people who use crystals for meditation or personal development say they can help raise energy, stimulate certain chakras, or even alter your body’s electromagnetic field. Most crystal users say their stones influence how they feel mentally and physically. If you want to try using crystals for meditation but aren’t sure how to begin, here are some tips on ways you can use them during your practices.

Intentions for Healing or Manifestation

Intention, which is focused attention, is a cornerstone of energy work. When meditating with crystals and other energy tools, it’s important to define your intention clearly before beginning. Not only will doing so heighten your focus on what you want to manifest, but it will also aid in making changes in your life long after you've finished meditating. Another reason to establish your intentions first? It helps determine which stone(s) or crystal grid layout you should use for healing or manifestation purposes.

Best Practices for Meditation With Crystals

Try to meditate with crystals at least once a day. It’s best to set aside 30 minutes or more if you can, but we all have busy lives and that may not always be possible. Any amount of time is beneficial, so long as it's done consistently.


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