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Manifestation and the amazing POWER of water!

As you know, water is one of the most essential natural elements that exist on our planet.

We would literally not exist as humans without it and contemplating this fact can really put into perspective how magical and powerful water is. Our planet and our bodies are made up of about 70% of water. A human would survive only 3-4 days without drinking water and our food sources would eventually completely diminish. Manifestation can be understood as the ability to intentionally direct energy through various methods and then experience this energy in the physical realm. It is the curating of pure potential into forms and experiences.

Our biological existence has been manifested through the medium of water and so, it is fitting that we learn to more skillfully wield this element that is so integrally a part of us to intentionally manifest the intricate parts of our human experience. In this article we shall explore just how to do this, starting by gaining a deeper understanding of the energetic nature of water, the importance of intentions and emotions in the process of manifesting and finally learning various powerful techniques using water to manifest whatever you desire.

law of attraction
Water Manifestation

Water And The Law Of Attraction

Abundance, mindset, law of attraction, positive affirmations

Water is unique in that it is the only molecule that is found in all three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. This is due to the unique energetic s of the water molecule. The water molecule is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The oxygen atom has a higher electromagnetically than the hydrogen atoms, and therefore the oxygen atom pulls the electrons away from the hydrogen atoms. This creates a positive charge on the hydrogen atoms and a negative charge on the oxygen atom. This polarity is what makes water molecules attracted to each other, and is also what makes water a good solvent. Water is essential for life, and is the most abundant molecule in the human body. The human body is composed of approximately 60% water. Water is necessary for the transport of nutrients and oxygen in the body, and for the removal of waste products. It is also necessary for the regulation of body temperature.

Water is a good conductor of electricity, and this is due to the polarity of the water molecule. When an electric current is passed through water, the positive and negative charges in the water molecule create a current. This is why water is used to generate power in hydroelectric power plants. The sacred energetic nature of water has been revered and utilized since ancient times. We know this through a deeper understanding of concepts such as baptisms in holy water or specific natural bodies of water, ancient water temples and the reverence of so many water deities /spirits throughout various cultures and times.

Thanks to modern-day technology there have been some amazing scientific experiments carried out on water. We have confirmed through science and experience that water is a conductor of energy. One of the most relevant experiments on water was conducted by Japanese researcher Dr Masaru Emoto and recorded in his book ‘the message from water’.

He studied the effects of various emotional intentions on the structure of water. The study proved how human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music can affect the structure of water. The results of his experiment were aesthetically and intellectually moving, the lab used technology to photograph the molecular structure of water and found that the water arranged itself in different crystalline structures dependent on the stimulus projected.

We can observe the effect of emotions on the water; harmonious emotions (such as love, appreciation) created more beautiful geometric patterns while the harsher emotion (such as hate, anger, fear) created a fragmented pattern. This was also tested with various written intentions, music and water from different sources. This experiment also concluded that water has memory and holds its pattern until it is restructured. This precious and powerful element is so incredibly diverse in its nature; having the ability to easily transition through different states both energetically and physically.

The law of attraction is a powerful law that can be used to create the life you want to live. It is the law of attraction that is responsible for the things that you have in your life right now. Whether you realize it or not, you have been using the law of attraction all of your life to get what you want. You have been using it without even knowing it.

-The law of attraction is a simple law that is based on the principle of like attracts like. What this means is that you will attract into your life the things that you focus on the most. If you focus on the good things that you want, you will attract more good things into your life. If you focus on the things that you don't want, you will attract more of those things into your life.

The key to using the law of attraction is to focus on what you want, not on what you don't want. When you focus on what you want, you will send out a positive energy that will attract the things that you want into your life. When you focus on what you don't want, you will send out a negative energy that will attract more of those things into your life. The law of attraction is always working, whether you are aware of it or not. The only thing that you need to do is to focus on what you want. When you do this, the law of attraction will take care of the rest.

The law of attraction is based on the awareness that emotions and intentions are the key ingredients for manifestation.

Your emotions are the guidance system that helps you get clear on what you would like to manifest. By setting intentions through visualization, affirmation and other techniques (link) you can manifest what you desire. These intentions are further animated when you consider and imagine experiencing the emotions related to achieving your desire. A manifestation hack is to cultivate your desired emotion as if you have already received the physical manifestation, you can actually receive your manifestation in energetic form as soon as your intention is set.

How To Use Water To Manifest Using The Law Of Attraction

Now that you have a better understanding of the energy magic of water, emotions and intentions you can consider working with this element as part of your manifestation practice.

The following are some of the suggested ways you can do this. As always, be sure to follow your inner guidance when integrating any new practice.

Intentionally Charging Your Drinking Water

The benefits of drinking structured or charged water are becoming more well-known as people are searching for ways to improve their health. There are many ways to charge water, but one of the simplest and most effective methods is to charge it yourself. Charging your drinking water can offer a variety of health benefits, including but not limited to:

· Improved hydration

· Better nutrient absorption

· Increased energy

· Improved mental clarity

· Better skin health

Charging your water is a simple process that can be done with either an electronic device or with simple ingredients. To charge your water with an electronic device, you will need a water ionizer or water structuring device. These devices use electronic frequencies to change the molecular structure of the water, creating hexagonal water clusters that are easier for the body to absorb. If you do not have access to an electronic device, you can also charge your water with ingredients. All you need is a container of pure water and a tablespoon of Himalayan salt. Stir the salt into the water until it is completely dissolved, then drink it immediately.

Charging your water is a simple way to improve your health and increase your energy level. Try it for yourself and see the difference it makes! A most powerful and simple way of using water to manifest is by charging, structuring or coding your drinking water. You can infuse your water with clear intent as well as other energetic elements. You can do this by utilizing the following suggested steps to charge your drinking water for specific manifestations.

Step 1. Choose a special and practical container to hold your drinking water.

It would be best to use a container that is a natural material such as glass, metal or ceramic.

Step 2. Choose a pure source of drinking water.

It is ideal to use spring water or good quality tap water; if you have any feeling that the water is less than clean, boil the water and let it cool down before use.

Step 3. Take a moment with your filled water vessel, take a few deep breaths to ground yourself, you can hold the vessel if you feel called to or hover your hand above the water.

At this stage you can have fun getting creative and choosing between the many methods of imprinting your water with the energy you desire:

  • State an affirmation out loud or write it down and place under or on the water vessel.

  • Visualize and project your desired emotion into the water.

  • You can place a specific crystal into the water or surround the vessel with crystals.

  • You can infuse a specific herb into your water, herbs have an energetic effect on the water structure and added nutrient benefits.

  • You can place your vessel of water in the full moon or sunlight

Step 4. Choose one or a combination of the above and then let your vessel of water rest for a minimum of 10 minutes or however long feels best and then your magical manifestation elixir is ready to drink. Enjoy with faith and gratitude for the blessing you are receiving.

A Water Ritual

Water is essential for life. It is a symbol of purification, fertility, and rebirth. It is said that the world was created from water and that water is the source of all life. Water is also a symbol of the unconscious and of emotions. It is no wonder that water is often used in rituals. There are many different water rituals that can be performed. One simple water ritual is to take a bath. This can be done to cleanse oneself physically and spiritually, to relax and de-stress, or to connect with the water element. Add some soothing aromatherapy or add a few drops of lavender oil to your bathtub to enhance the relaxation effects. Another simple water ritual is to wash your hands. This is a way to cleanse yourself before prayer or meditation, or to simply refresh yourself. Pour water over your hands, and then use your hands to cup and drink the water. This is a gesture of accepting the water's blessings.

A more elaborate water ritual can be done by using a bowl of water as a focal point. Place a bowl of water in the center of your working area. Surround it with candles and other objects that represent the elements. Gather some fresh flowers and place them in the water. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax. Visualize the water as a symbol of cleansing and purification. Allow the negative energy to be released and washed away. Allow the positive energy to fill you up. When you are finished, thank the water for its blessings. A water ritual is another powerful practice to use for manifestation. You can read more specific details about ritual in the book ‘Water Magic’. You can use the power of ritual to tune the water of the earth and the water within your being to the frequency you wish to invite and embody.

To perform a water ritual you can choose a natural body of water such as the ocean, a river, spring or lake. You can also choose to make this part of your routine in the shower or a bath. Manifesting with water it is all about intention and emotion, you will benefit most from following your intuition about the activities or actions you embrace during your water ritual. The following are some suggested steps to enact your water ritual:

If you have chosen a natural body of water:
  1. It would be best to open your ritual by acknowledging the body of water that is alive, filled with memory, and home to many natural organisms, you can do this by honoring the water in a symbolic or verbal gesture such as making an offering or simply taking a moment to thank the water.

  2. If you feel called to you can call upon or invoke deities associated with this element or the specific body of water.

  3. Set your intention, mentally, verbally, or through writing. Clearly ask that this body of water to cleanse and structure your being to the frequency of your desired experience.

  4. You can then immerse yourself in the body of water by swimming, touching the water, and spending time close to the body of water for however ever long feels good to you. You can also collect some as drinking water (if safe and possible).

You can apply these principles in a similar manner during a bath or shower:

  1. A shower will tend to be a quicker water ritual –simply set your intentions, you can also take a moment of gratitude for the convenience and service of this water source, during your shower visualize the water cleansing your energy, and filling you up with the feeling of your desired manifestation.

  2. For a bath ritual, you can use similar steps to the ones used within a natural body of water ritual and also enjoy including crystals, salts, and herbs into your bath as well as creating an ambient environment (candles/scents) that welcomes positive emotions and energy to your ritual

The 2 Cup Method

The two cup method of manifesting is based on a combination of a deeper understanding of water as well as the concept of quantum leaping/jumping. Quantum leaping is a concept that was mentioned over 100 years ago by physicist Neil Bohr, this concept was also discussed by the likes of Albert Einstein and Erwin Schrödinger. Quantum leaps can be understood as a transition of energy from one state to another.

The two cup method is quite a fascinating method of using water to manifest, it has gained popularity through YouTube and the more recent work of Burt Goldman on manifestation, states of consciousness, and the concept of quantum leaping or jumping.

The method for this water manifestation technique is as follows:

1. Sit in a quiet place and relax your mind and body.

2. Imagine a bright light in the sky above you.

3. Visualize a beam of light coming from the light and entering your body through the top of your head.

4. As the light enters your body, feel yourself becoming lighter and lighter.

5. Imagine the light traveling down your body and filling your entire being with light.

6. When you feel full of light, imagine the light expanding outward until it fills your entire room, then your house, then your neighborhood, then your city, and finally the entire world.

7. Now, imagine the light turning into water and flowing throughout the world, bringing peace, love, and happiness to all.

8. When you are finished, sit for a while and feel the peace and love that the water has brought to you and the world.

  1. You will need two cups, two sticky notes or pieces of paper, a pen, and pure drinking water.

  2. Think about a specific manifestation you would like to set into motion.

  3. On your first piece of paper write down in a few descriptive words of the present situation you are experiencing, you can write down details of the physical situation or your emotions surrounding it. Stick this piece of paper on your first glass, slowly pour water into this glass and as you fill-up the glass fully acknowledge your feelings surrounding the present situation.

  4. On your second piece of paper you can now write down your ideal outcome, exactly what you would like to transform or manifest in relation to the situation that you are focusing on. Write down the specifics as well as the emotions you will feel upon receiving your desire fully, stick this piece of paper on your empty second glass.

  5. Now you can slowly and intentionally pour the water from your first glass into the second glass and while you do this visualize your ideal manifestation and feel the joy of receiving.

  6. The water is the medium of an energetic leap that is needed to manifest your desire. You can now drink the water from the second glass, filled with gratitude for what you will be receiving.

  7. Happily go on with your day knowing you have activated a leap, your manifestation is now part of you energetically and soon to reveal itself in 3D.

Water Manifestation success

These methods can seem so quick and simple but the effects can be quite amazing. When we apply these technique consistently, we can see a dramatic changes in our lives both mentally and emotionally. One of the main benefits of these techniques is that it helps us to focus on the present moment. When we're constantly dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, we're not really living in the present and we're not really enjoying life. But when we focus on the present moment, we're able to appreciate the present moment for what it is. We're able to appreciate the beauty of life and we're able to enjoy the moment. This is a very powerful thing because it allows us to live our lives more fully and more happily. We're not stuck in the past and we're not worried about the future. We're living in the present and we're enjoying life as it unfolds.

Another benefit of these techniques is that it helps us to let go of negative thoughts and emotions. When we're constantly carrying around negative thoughts and emotions, they can weigh us down and they can prevent us from achieving our goals. But when we let go of these negative thoughts and emotions, we're able to think more clearly and we're able to achieve our goals more easily. We're also able to enjoy life more fully.

So, if you're looking for a simple way to improve your life, I highly recommend giving one of these Extremely powerful methods a try. There are a fascinating number of success stories surrounding this water manifestation method. It can be inspiring to listen to some of these stories and if you try these methods you will soon have your own success story that you are living!



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