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Join Our Journey to Abundance

Updated: Aug 20, 2022

Positive affirmations and positive quotes can have an extraordinary impact on your life, helping you to become more abundant in love, joy, happiness, peace, kindness, patience, understanding and wisdom. The more abundant you are in these positive qualities of life, the more abundance will come into your life as well. We want to help you on this journey of transformation by sharing our experiences with you in this daily affirmation and quote blog so that you may live a happier and more abundant life too!

How Do Affirmations Work?

Affirmations help you learn more about yourself and how you want to be treated. If you’re used to getting cheated on, someone who is trustworthy will come off as fake and lame. The same goes for affirmations: if you don’t know who you are, it’s going to feel like a lie when you say your body looks good or that people love spending time with you. But practicing self-awareness can change all of that—and affirmations can help.

Create an Affirmation Habit

The foundation of a positive life is positivity itself. Do you want to feel happier and have more fulfilling relationships? Maybe you want more prosperity or success in your career. The first step is committing to positive affirmations every day, which we’ll help you do today by sharing our favorite tips. Try one or all five—you’ll be amazed at how much happier and more confident you feel!

The Power of Quotes

These are just a few quotes that we've found inspirational during our journey: If you change your thoughts, you change your world. – Norman Vincent Peale Take control of your future. Set goals and reach for them with all your heart. – Roy T. Bennett Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. – Steve Jobs The great life is when you work hard play hard. You respect & love people from all walks of life.

Choose Your Words Wisely

Choosing your words wisely means filtering out any word or phrase that would increase negativity in any way. We do our best to avoid words like should, shouldn’t, never, and always. It can be hard not to fall into a pattern of negative thinking at times (we certainly have), but we try our best every day to change our focus from what is wrong with something or someone and focus on what is right instead. For example, if you have a bad day at work because you got stuck working with an annoying co-worker who won’t stop talking about his cat, don’t let yourself think things like I hate my job; I wish I could quit! Instead, remind yourself that it was just one bad day—and even if it wasn’t just one bad day, remember that there are plenty of good days ahead.

Set Yourself Up for Success

Positive affirmations and positive quotes will help you shift your thoughts and become a more positive person. Write down three positive affirmations that are meaningful to you and say them every day, as well as incorporating one new quote into your life every week. A great way to start is by following our journey on Facebook! We’ll be sharing positive quotes daily for you to use in your own life. You can also check out our website for even more inspiration!

Affirm Regularly

The power of a positive affirmation lies in repetition. Think about it: The more you say something, whether in your head or out loud, the more that belief can become a reality. Write your affirmations down on paper and stick them everywhere you might see them—on your mirror, your bathroom door, on your car dashboard—and read them out loud at least once a day.

Share Your Blessings With Others

Make a point of spreading love and joy to others. Kindness, gentleness, and generosity will only spread further by being given away freely. Whether it’s giving someone a hug or a pat on the back, making eye contact with someone and smiling at them, or even just bringing an extra cup of coffee to your coworker’s desk when you’re out of milk at home—kindness can come in many different forms.


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