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How does Energy, Frequency, Vibration, and You tie together?

Updated: Aug 20, 2022


The human body is made of energy, and everything around us is an energetic vibration. To put it simply, everything exists on different frequencies. This means that different levels of consciousness have different states of being, and we can change our state of being by altering the frequency at which we vibrate. When we are in alignment with our inner harmony and vibration, we become harmonious with the world around us.

Everything is vibrating at its own natural frequency

So, everything is energy and everything is vibrating. The frequency of the vibration determines many things about the object or thing. For example, a plant will have its own frequency and that frequency will determine how fast it grows and when it needs more water or nutrients.

A dog has a different natural frequency than a cat does because they have different atomic structures, which means that they have different molecular structures as well as chemical structures. It would be difficult for you to become an animal because your body would have to change in order for it to work properly with these new frequencies (if this were possible).

Our thoughts and our emotions are vibrational frequencies too

Most people know that their physical health can be impacted by their thoughts and emotions, but did you know that your mind also has an effect on your spiritual well-being? When we're experiencing negative emotions or harmful thought patterns, our vibration lowers, which in turn makes us more susceptible to illness and negative experiences. On the other hand, when we are feeling positive emotions—or at least not feeling negative ones—our frequency rises and we become more resilient to physical problems as well as emotional distress.

When you align with your inner harmony, everything in the world becomes harmonious to you

As a result, your life becomes a symphony instead of discordant notes.

When we are in harmony with ourselves and each other, we experience joy and peace of mind that is not possible when we are out of alignment.

Our world has been operating on out-of-alignment energies for so long that most people don't even realize it exists because they've become accustomed to it—it's like looking at an old painting where all the colors are faded or have faded over time due to poor care or improper storage conditions; you can see what was once there but now can't make out any details because they're too faint or gone altogether.

Hold an image of yourself having already achieved the thing you want

Visualization is a powerful tool that you can use to manifest your goals.

It can be used in the present, or in the future. You can visualize anything you want and it will come true! Visualization is a way to create yourself in the future, so that when you arrive there, it's already familiar territory and there are no surprises waiting for you.

Happiness, pleasure and joy are the highest energy frequencies we can feel.

This is why many people who have experienced near-death experiences describe their experience as “a place of love and light”.

Why? Because those emotions contain a high frequency that elevates your vibration to the point where you can literally see the light! The color spectrum in your eyes actually changes when you raise your vibration. Your physical body changes too – it glows slightly – because its frequency becomes higher than that of visible light which is only 0.0000001% infrared light (and lots more).

We are energy vibrations, and we can choose our own vibrations.

As a child, you probably learned that thoughts and emotions are nonphysical things. As an adult, you might have been taught that they are merely the result of chemical reactions in your brain. But science has shown that this is not true—emotions and thoughts produce physical effects on our body and mind. In fact, consciousness itself is an energetic phenomenon: consciousness is vibration.

How does this work? Well for starters, every thought we have produces an electrical impulse in our brain (electroencephalography or EEG). And every emotion we feel has its own unique frequency as well (bioresonance or BIA). These frequencies overlap with each other and cause interference patterns that create different states of being—states such as calmness versus anxiety; alertness versus drowsiness; happiness versus sadness; anger versus peace; love versus hate…the list goes on!

Notice how these states of being all represent different vibrational patterns? This tells us something very important about ourselves: we can choose which vibrational pattern we want to live within by changing our thoughts and emotions accordingly! And because everything around us has its own unique vibration too—including food ingredients like chemicals from pesticides used on crops before harvesting them into store-bought fruits & vegetables processed into juices/drinks consumed daily by millions worldwide due to their claimed health benefits despite being harmful if consumed regularly over long periods time due to their high risk levels.


Our mind, body and soul are all part of a larger vibration. By understanding this and learning to align ourselves with a higher frequency, we can tap into our own personal power. Our thoughts and emotions are vibrations too which can affect everything around us. When we become more aware of how this works, we have more control over our lives and what happens next!


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