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Here are the top 11 manifestation myths & misconceptions you should know about the Law of Attraction

I have been studying manifestation with the Law of Attraction for the last decade and working with thousands of People in my coaching and courses. I have frequently heard misunderstandings about how manifesting works.

Since my manifestation approach is very practical, action-based, and easy to implement, it was important for me to get these manifestation misconceptions out of the way.

Here are the top 11 manifestation myths & misconceptions you should know:

  1. The Law of Attraction Does Not Work for Everyone

  2. Manifesting With the Law of Attraction Is Magic

  3. Positive or Negative Feelings Attract Good or Bad Things

  4. Manifesting Is Really Difficult

  5. The Law of Attraction Is Some Woo-Woo Concept

  6. You Can Just Order and Lean Back (the Universe Will Deliver)

  7. The Secret Is the Origin of the Law of Attraction

  8. Creating a Vision Board Is Enough to Manifest Your Dreams

  9. Using the Law of Attraction Makes You Selfish

  10. You Need to Overcome All Your Abundance Blocks Before the Law o Attraction Works

  11. The Law of Attraction Is the Answer to Everything

If you have had problems with manifesting your goals in the past, and maybe it didn’t work out as you hoped, or you just want to know more about the law of attraction in general, you should take the time to go through these 11 top misconceptions about manifestation.

And finally, unlock more abundance because manifesting your dreams doesn’t have to be complicated!

The Law of Attraction Does Not Work for Everyone

One I hear all the time, but I can assure you, the Law of Attraction works, always and for everyone.

And if I know something after over a decade in which I have been very intensively involved with this topic, and have helped countless women in my coaching sessions or my courses, then this; manifesting works for everyone.

We create our life, our reality, always. This means that many people manifest all their lives without ever really realizing it.

The power lies in being able to apply the Law of Attraction consciously and control the manifesting process. But this is also something that everyone can learn.

In my online training, I had thousands of women from all over the world, with every background, every age, and every religion. And not a single time has manifesting not worked if the techniques were applied correctly.

Of course, some need a little more work when it comes to their mindset and beliefs; for others, it’s enough to use the right tools, like a vision board, affirmations, or anchors, the correct way.

But if you want to become a manifesting master, you will — no doubt about it.

And if you still believe that the Law of Attraction is only for a selected group, for people with special abilities, or a particular background, click here, and I love to prove you wrong!

Manifesting With the Law of Attraction is Magic

Maybe you watched the movie “The Secret,” and you remember the scene with Aladin and the three free wishes? Of course, it’s a cute way to show the manifesting process in a movie, but manifesting has little to do with magic wands or fairy tales.

Sorry if I might destroy your world with this statement, but the Law of Attraction only works if you take an important step: Action

And even though it often feels truly magical when you visualize your big dreams and stick them on a vision board only to realize a few days, weeks, or months later that you’ve already achieved that one big dream. It really has nothing to do with magic.

Rational looking at manifesting, it is a goal-setting and goal-achievement process, but not something as boring as S.M.A.R.T. Goals, but one that sparks the manifester in you.

The actual manifestation of your goal doesn’t come from fairy dust but from inspired action, the action you have to take.

Btw. in this bestselling manifestation technique , They teach signature advanced manifesting methods, which contains a goal-setting strategy that really brings results. For this, I was inspired by Walt Disney and how he made his big dreams and visions come true.

Positive or Negative Feelings Attract Good or Bad Things

This misconception about the Law of Attraction is somewhat more complicated. Basically, the statement is not wrong: we attract what we think and feel.

Therefore, it is actually true that good feelings and thoughts attract good things and negative feelings and thoughts attract bad things.

But there is really more to it.

My Boyfriend does not break-up me just because I once had negative feelings about our relationship. And anyone who has been in a relationship for a long time knows for sure that those days just happen from time to time.

Also, no war will break out here in Germany, just because I saw a T.V. report about a war zone and felt terrible about it. Not that this could happen anyway, because I don’t watch T.V.

And unfortunately, I don’t wake up in Hawaii just because my last thought before I fell asleep was about a trip to Maui.

Although that would be a really cool thing, speed manifestation (did you hear me, dear universe?)

No Honestly, just a feeling, whether positive or negative, won’t bring anything into your life. But continuously living in an emotional world, and always being in this flow, will most definitely bring more of that to you.

That doesn’t mean that to manifest your dream life; you always have to be perfect and positive; in point number #10, I’ll go into that in even more detail, but you should make an effort and pay attention to what you think and how you feel.

The good thing is, that you can consciously attract more positive emotions and thoughts into your life.

Manifesting is Really Difficult

Its is not difficult. Believe me, manifesting is not a complicated scientific concept that you have to study for years to understand. Don’t forget, I’m a high school dropout, and there is a reason for this. I definitely love shortcuts in life.

As I mentioned in point number one, the Law of Attraction works for everyone. There is a process, and if you stick to it, you can’t go wrong. Besides, some specific tools and strategies will help you to get rid of your abundance blocks and get in the right mindset.

But I understand that many are straight up overwhelmed in the beginning; too and much info is available about the LoA (also misinformation). Furthermore, the abundance blocks are scary or can give you insecurities when you have to face them all by yourself.

That’s where a community can help.

But starting with the Law of Attraction can be scary. I know that because I was at this point myself. I had read the book “The Secret” and was enthusiastic about the whole concept. And I had truly implemented everything the way I understood it or the way I thought it was supposed to be. But I had no success. And I was deeply frustrated. And I thought the whole thing didn’t work, or it was simply too difficult for me.

But it wasn’t. I just hadn’t understood essential aspects of the Law of Attraction. When I finally understood them correctly and manifesting started to work, a new world opened up for me.

Suddenly everything was possible, and my life changed completely, from frustrated and unhappy to amazing. And this is exactly what I want for you; this is my motivation to make the Law of Attraction understandable and accessible for everyone.

If you want to take a guided step by step process Project 369 Journal is a excellent daily tool to use through this process, this manifestation book is the best starting point for you.

The universe has your back, and so do I! We can do this together.

The Law of Attraction is Some Woo-woo Concept, and You Have to Be Very Spiritual

You can if you want, but you don’t have to. It’s all up to you.

I can understand that many spiritual people are more attracted to the whole concept of manifesting, but that doesn’t mean that it only works for you if you see yourself as a spiritual person.

Since spirituality means inner life, many people believe that this is a MUST for being successful with the Law of Attraction. But I don’t think that this gives anyone a real advantage when manifesting.

Those who perceive the inner being in a stronger way will also be more sensitive when it comes to their abundance blocks. And that could even be a disadvantage.

Many do also believe that spirituality means the same as being esoteric. Esotericism is more about the confrontation with the spiritual, inner being, often practiced through certain rituals.

And quite honestly, this is not my world. Thanks to my love for hippie music and people, I have been very intensively involved with the topic during my early teens, but where there used to be some incense sticks burning and tarot cards lying around in my flat, today, you’ll more likely to find a good book about online marketing and maybe a scented candle from Amazon my Favorite.

Hello, my name is Joshua, and I apply the Law of Attraction without any woo-woo stuff.

Now the truth is out, haha…

But hey, in case you are into things like tarot reading, crystals, and charms, there is nothing wrong with it. Just do what you like.

You Can Just Order and Lean Back (the Universe Will Deliver)

I think this is a major misunderstanding when it comes to the Law of Attraction. I definitely felt that way when I read the secret for the first time.

In the beginning, I really had this idea that I could just order my dreams and believe in the universe. And then all I had to do was be ready to receive. As if the universe were Amazon.

Order, lean back, and wait for the FedEx guy to ring the doorbell.

Ok, sometimes it almost feels like this, this moment when you look at your vision board, and you realize, wow, this dream has already come true. And first, you probably think it just happened overnight.

But when you then reflect a bit more, you’ll quickly realize how many steps were actually involved in the process. In my opinion, the secret behind the secret is to have the right plan and then take the first important step.

Without taking action, the Law of Attraction won’t work.

A great (and very relaxed) action you could take is listening to guided meditations. They are a great way to reprogram your subconscious and help you to manifest more abundance faster.

Click here, For to get a guided meditations for beginners.

The Secret is the Origin of the Law of Attraction

The Secret is probably the best-known book/movie about the Law of Attraction and has certainly made the manifesting process accessible to the masses.

But the Law of Attraction is much older than the 2006 released movie “The Secret.” – As a matter of fact, the Law of Attraction has been known for more than a hundred years.

The term “Law of Attraction” was first mentioned in 1906, and as far as I know. It was mentioned in the book “Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World” by author William Walker Atkinson.

Creating a Vision Board is Enough to Manifest Your Dreams

Whether it’s a vision board, affirmations, anchors, or a gratitude journal, these are all just Law of Attraction tools that support the manifesting process.

Important tools, powerful tools, but just tools.

Of course, it can help if you visualize your dream life, but one of these tools alone will not help you to manifest your big dream.

If you hope to think that a few pictures of your goal on a blank canvas are enough to reach it, I have to disappoint you.

That doesn’t mean that a vision board can’t be extremely helpful when it comes to manifesting. I firmly believe that my vision board has helped me enormously to design my dream life as it is today.

But in the end, it takes a combination of various tools combined with the right strategy.

Don’t forget, in order to succeed with the Law of Attraction; you must first work on your abundance blocks, then know exactly WHAT you want and WHY you want this.

And then, you need a plan which you can execute.

Everything else is just there to support and reinforce you in the process.

Using the Law of Attraction Makes You Selfish

It is somehow obvious why many people think that “ordering from the universe” or designing your dream life is a selfish concept.

After all, you can order anything you want, right?

There’s nothing wrong with that, and everyone deserves to live exactly the life they want as long as it doesn’t harm others.

And that is definitely what the Law of Attraction is not designed to do! I can’t “order” something harmful to others, either.

Of course, you could manifest more money or a job where you have a particular position of power, and yes, you could take advantage of such a situation. But that has little to do with the manifestation itself.

On the other hand, you can also use the money (or the new job) to do a lot of good in the world, for instance, to support charities as I regularly do.

It is definitely not selfish to manifest anything with the Law of Attraction. The whole idea is based on the belief that there is enough for everyone; abundance is the magic word.

So go on, my dear, and manifest the hell out of it! You deserve this.

You Need to Overcome All Your Abundance Blocks Before Manifestation Works

I believe the misconception that you first have to clean up all the abundance blocks to manifest is a widespread one.

But it’s just not true.

Of course, it is important that you have the right mindset; it is also important to work on your beliefs, to overcome certain emotions like fear, anger, greed, or doubt.

It certainly also helps if you look at your body, your environment, and your relationships critically and declutter every possible area in your life.


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