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Don't know about alkaline water? You're missing out on some big benefits!

Updated: Jun 12, 2022

Not only can alkaline water help you stay healthy, but it can also help you achieve optimal health and weight loss goals, too! And getting an alkalizing water machine doesn’t have to be expensive, either! Read on to learn more about what alkaline water can do for you and how to get one of your own at the lowest possible price.

Introducing Alkaline Water

Alkaline Water is a type of ionized or ionizable water generated by an ionizer. As its name suggests, Alkaline Water is mildly basic with a higher pH than ordinary tap and bottled waters (which are acidic). The extra oxygen atoms in Alkaline Water have been added by electrolysis which splits ordinary tap or bottled waters into component hydrogen and oxygen molecules; Alkaline Water molecules contain far more oxygen than common H2O.

Why Is Drinking Alkaline Water Important?

Drinking alkaline water has been linked to increased energy levels, weight loss, better concentration and overall improved health. Alkalized water works by bringing your pH levels back to neutral from an acidic state. When our bodies become too acidic due to a high-fat diet or stress, it can affect our health and even lead to chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Risks Associated with Acidic Foods and Drinks

Water is especially important

because it makes up such a large part of our body weight. The average person's body is made up of 60 to 70 percent water. This means that if you don't have enough H2O, your system could become dehydrated and more acidic than normal. And that may not be good for your health. Those with certain health conditions are more likely to suffer from acid reflux disease and acidosis, according to MedlinePlus, an online service of the U.S.

Choosing The Right Water Filter System For You

If you’re looking to drink healthier, more alkalized drinking water but don’t want to go out and buy a whole home system, there are still lots of options available. Check out different kinds of filters to see which one is right for you. Here's one my Entire family use's!

How to Get the Most Out of Your New Healthy Habit

First, stop thinking of it as a new healthy habit. Call it something else. The words you use are important. When you tell yourself that you’re starting a new healthy habit, your brain hears chore or punishment. This can set up an internal resistance to change that makes it harder to stick with your goals. So don’t think of it as a chore or punishment; think of it as an investment in your health and well-being—and focus on all the good things that will come from making these changes for yourself.


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