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5 Reasons Why Veganism is the Most Ethical Lifestyle Choice

Updated: Aug 20, 2022

Many people make the choice to be vegan for ethical reasons, others choose it for environmental benefits, and many do both. Whether you’re looking to follow an ethical or environmentally-friendly lifestyle, there are many reasons why veganism is the most ethical lifestyle choice. Here are just 5 of them!

1) Industrial Agriculture Is Cruel

Industrial agriculture, commonly referred to as factory farming, has been widely criticized for its inhumane treatment of animals and its use of excessive pesticides and herbicides. Factory farms also produce a lot of waste that contaminates local water supplies. Switching to an animal-free diet will help you avoid these problems.

2) The Environment Sucks

If you believe that factory farming has a negative impact on our environment, it makes sense to consider going vegan for environmental reasons. Eating meat and dairy products contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Consuming animal products leads to higher emissions of methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide—emissions responsible for climate change—than any other food group.

3) Ingesting Animal Products Causes Health Problems

Research shows that consuming animal products causes more health problems than it does prevent. In fact, a Harvard study found that eliminating animal products from your diet significantly lowers your risk of heart disease and cancer. It’s hard to argue with science. Animal Products Contribute to Global Warming: Did you know that as much as 51% of global greenhouse gases are caused by animal agriculture?

4) Going Vegan Makes You Feel Better About Yourself

Many people choose to go vegan for reasons unrelated to ethical considerations. However, there are a number of benefits from a self-esteem perspective. For instance, many vegans report feeling better about themselves after making healthier lifestyle choices. It’s empowering to know that you can improve your health by doing things that aren’t necessarily enjoyable like giving up meat or dairy products. Additionally, research shows that plant-based diets help prevent obesity and reduce cancer risk. The results might just make you feel better about yourself!

5) Society Doesn’t Like Vegans, And That’s OK

If you’re new to veganism, it’s a good idea to recognize that society in general isn’t super-supportive of those who live solely on a plant-based diet. Understand that many people will see your dietary changes as extreme and may judge you for making those changes; don’t take it personally.


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